[T42] The Sixth Sense for AI Algorithms: Challenges on Confidentiality, Trust and Security for Mobile Devices – Soumya Banerjee (Trasna)

📢 Unlocking the Secrets of Secure AI for Mobile Devices! 🤖🔒 On Friday, January 31st, 2025, at 2 PM CET, join us for TALK.CYBERCNI.fr with Soumya Banerjee (Trasna) on “The Sixth Sense for AI Algorithms: Challenges on Confidentiality, Trust, and Security for Mobile Devices.” Explore the intricate challenges of protecting AI and machine learning models in hardware-assisted Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs). Soumya will delve into the vulnerabilities of modern mobile devices, from API extraction threats to intellectual property protection for ML models, including attacks targeting Graph Neural Networks and Large Language Models. Gain insights into cutting-edge strategies for safeguarding the confidentiality and security of AI models while addressing fragmentation, transparency, and interoperability in TEEs. Don’t miss this essential discussion for AI and mobile security innovators! 🔗 https://TALK.CYBERcni.fr/42


[T37] Cryptocurrency Innovations: EcoMobiCoin for Green Behavior & LCoin for Local Economies – Pascal Lafourcade

On Fri, Aug 30th, 2024, 1pm CET, we welcome Pascal Lafourcade from Université Clermont Auvergne, France for another edition of TALK.CYBERcni.fr on “Cryptocurrency Innovations: EcoMobiCoin for Green Behavior & LCoin for Local Economies”. Share and join!


[T36] Dynamic Cybersecurity Risk Management with Responsible AI Practice  for Enhancing Security and Resilience of Digital Infrastructure – Shareeful Islam

🚀 Join us on July 26th at 2:00 PM CET for an insightful talk by Dr. Shareeful Islam on "Dynamic Cybersecurity Risk Management with Responsible AI Practice." Discover how hybrid AI models can enhance security and resilience of digital infrastructures. Don't miss the interactive discussion! #CyberSecurity #AI #RiskManagement


Einladung Akademische Gedenkfeier für Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Friedrich L. Bauer

Am 10. Juni 2024 jährt sich der Geburtstag von Informatik Pionier Prof. Friedrich L. Bauer (1924 – 2015) zum hundertsten Mal. Zusammen mit unserem Mitglied Manfred Broy laden wir Sie herzlich ein!


[TALK32] Generative AI: Ethical Quandaries and the Spread of Misinformation – Alexander Loth (Microsoft, DE)

Our speaker series continues after a longer summer break with another highlight: a fireside talk on Generative AI! On Fri, Nov 24th, 2023, 2pm CET, we welcome Alexander Loth from Microsoft Germany for an exchange on "Generative AI: Ethical Quandaries and the Spread of Misinformation". You are cordially invited join the discussion live and for free over YouTube, LinkedIN, and Facebook!


Nutzung von Microsoft VIVA im betrieblichen Alltag (Workshop)

ABGESAGT wegen zu geringer TeilnehmerzahlBitte schreiben Sie uns, wenn Sie Interesse an einer Veranstaltung zu Datenschutzbei Microsoft VIVA bzw. zu Microsoft 365 haben: gchacm365workshop AT informatik.org Die GChACM 365 Workgroup entwickelt praktische Ansätze zur Minimierung von Datenschutzrisken bei der Einführung, Konfiguration und Nutzung von Microsoft 365. Das Mitgliedertreffen 2023 findet […]


[TALK31] Enabling Machine-to-Machine Crypto Economy – Kemal Akkaya (FIU, USA)

“Enabling Machine-to-Machine Crypto Economy,“ by Kemal Akkaya (FIU, USA). Join on Fri, May 12th, 2023, 3pm CET, free live stream! Please share with your interested friends!


[TALK30] Trusted Graph for explainable detection of cyberattacks – Pierre PARREND (EPITA / iCube, Unistra)

“Trusted Graph for explainable detection of cyberattacks,“ Pierre PARREND (Laboratoire de Recherche de l'EPITA / Laboratoire ICube - Unistra), on Wed, April 19th, 2023, 2pm CET, free live stream! Please share with your interested friends!


Mitgliederversammlung am 24. März bei der Microsoft Deutschland GmbH, Geschäftsstelle München

Wir laden alle Mitglieder und auch eine begrenzte Anzahl von Gästen (FCFS) des German Chapter of the ACM zur Mitgliederversammlung am 24. März bei der Microsoft Deutschland GmbH, Geschäftsstelle München. Bitte


[TALK27] A Semantic Investigation System – François Khourbiga (Defants, FR)

On Wed, Jan 25th, 2023, 2pm CET, François Khourbiga (Defants, FR), will talk about “A Semantic Investigation System“. You are cordially invited to join the free live stream on youtube and LinkedIn! Please share the link https://talk.cybercni.fr/27 with your interested friends!
