[TALK23] Aaron Ding (TU Delft, Netherlands) – Trustworthy and Sustainable Edge AI 

On Wed, Oct 26th, 2022, 2pm CET, Aaron Ding (TU Delft, Netherlands), will talk about “Trustworthy and Sustainable Edge AI“. You are cordially invited to join the free live stream on youtube and LinkedIn! Please share the link https://talk.cybercni.fr/23 with your interested friends!


Call for Participation to the 7th GI/ACM I4.0 Workshop on Industrial Automation and Control Systems

Call for Participation to the 7th GI/ACM I4.0 Workshop on Industrial Automation and Control Systems, University of Hamburg, September 30, 2022, 9h30-15h30 + Social Session (closing 18h00) (7th IACS WS’22) The 7th IACS WS’22 in series is again aligned with the yearly assembly of the ‚GI Jahrestagung 2022’. Hence the […]


Digitalisierung und Schule Teil 2: Vom Beitrag der Medienpädagogik für die Schulentwicklung

Ein Interview mit Prof. Dr. phil. Thomas Knaus von Benedikt Volckart Im ersten Artikel zum Thema Digitalisierung und Schule beleuchtete ich die Zeit des Homeschoolings aus Sicht eines IT-Lehrers. Mir drängte sich die Frage auf, wie profitabel der (pandemiebedingte) Fernunterricht mit Blick auf den Lernerfolg war. Den Bogen nun etwas […]


Wed, Jul 27th, 2022, 2pm CEST I Philipp Drieger (Principal Machine Learning Architect, Splunk, Germany) – Big Data Cybersecurity and Machine Learning with SPLUNK

On Wed, Jul 27th, 2022, 2pm CEST, Philipp Drieger (Principal Machine Learning Architect, Splunk, Germany), will talk about “Big Data Cybersecurity and Machine Learning with SPLUNK“. You are cordially invited to join the free live stream on youtube and LinkedIn! Please share the link https://talk.cybercni.fr/21 with your interested friends! LinkedIN Event: https://www.linkedin.com/video/event/urn:li:ugcPost:6957250181952118784/ Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/2586398184829432/ Youtube: https://TALK.cyberCNI.fr/stream Newsletter with invitations: Subscription on https://TALK.cyberCNI.fr



6th ACM COMPUTER SCIENCE IN CARS SYMPOSIUM (CSCS 2022) Challenges in artificial intelligence & security for autonomous vehicles Technical University of Ingolstadt | Ingolstadt, Germany | December 8th, 2022 Aim of the Event Industry and academia have made great advances working towards an overall vision of fully autonomous driving. Despite […]


CHI 2023 in Hamburg

CHI 2023 The ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems is the premier international conference of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). CHI – pronounced ‘kai’ – annually brings together researchers and practitioners from all over the world and from diverse cultures, backgrounds, and positionalities, who have as an overarching goal […]


Help us spreading the word: 5th Future-IoT „IoT meets Autonomy“, Berlin 29.8.-2.9.2022

Please help us spreading the news that the registration is open for our 5th Future-IoT.org PhD school on "IoT meets Automation" from Aug 29-Sep2, 2022 in Berlin: https://school.future-iot.org. Below you find the corresponding email. Please share it in your communities via mail, LinkedIN, etc. Looking forward to welcoming many of you and your students in Berlin!


29.8.-2.9.2022 – The Future-IoT Phd school goes Berlin and meets Autonomy

We celebrate our 5th anniversary this year! We cordially invite you to our 5th Future-IoT.org PhD school on "IoT meets Autonomy" from Aug 29th – Sep 2nd, 2022 at the Einstein Center Digital Future in Berlin, Germany. Expect a week full of exciting challenges, keynotes, PhD pitches, networking, sight seeing, and more - short, a lot of fun is awaiting you. Inform your friends! More info and registration at school.future-iot.org


Wed, Jul 13, 2022, 5pm CET I Nicolas Razy and Nicolas Loriot (Airbus, France) – Airbus CyberSecurity – 10 years of challenges and opportunities

On Wed, Jul 13, 2022, 5pm CET, Nicolas Razy and Nicolas Loriot (Airbus, France), will talk about “Airbus CyberSecurity – 10 years of challenges and opportunities“. You are cordially invited to join the free live stream on youtube and LinkedIn! Please share the link https://talk.cybercni.fr/20 with your interested friends! Watch the trailer here: https://youtu.be/VI49KTW9nBc


Wed, Oct 5th, 2022, 3h30pm CET I Nicolas Razy and Nicolas Loriot (Airbus, France) – Airbus CyberSecurity – 10 years of challenges and opportunities

On Wed, Oct 5, 2022, 3h30pm CET, Nicolas Razy and Nicolas Loriot (Airbus, France), will talk about “Airbus CyberSecurity – 10 years of challenges and opportunities“. You are cordially invited to join the free live stream on youtube and LinkedIn! Please share the link https://talk.cybercni.fr/20 with your interested friends! Watch the trailer here: https://youtu.be/dAHst_5nens
